[Bonus chapter] The Lord's Rewards

The lawful ruler of Alina prefecture: Adonis Alina.

The strongest being in Alina prefecture: Nina of the Oswald clan.

The apex predator of Alina prefecture: Arad Orion.

Those three sat facing each other on a small round table, with all the nobles surrounding them and listening carefully.

"What do you wish as a reward? Let's set it here, as I feel it will be long before I see you again." The city lord. Adonis said with a smile, staring at Arad's face.

Arad tilted his head, looking around him. "There is nothing I'd want from you. And nothing that you can offer, isn't it?"

Nina's eyes darted between them. ^The lord doesn't know he's dealing with a dragon. To a dragon, offering gold or land is an insult.^ She looked at Arad. ^I doubt Arad will act like other dragons. But we can't take that possibility out.^