[Bonus chapter] The Stalker's Attack I

Arad slowly walked, the veins on his arms bulging as he got ready to strike the stalker.

Swosh! The stalker's presence disappeared. He faded into the crowd outside of Arad's senses.

Arad kept walking, waiting for the stalker to reveal himself. He knew that he was awaiting an opening to strike. Shortly after that, Arad reached the end of the street. He now has to cross a large bridge that linked two different sections of the city together with a large river flowing below it.

The bridge wasn't empty. But just as full as the streets. Arad could see a caravan with slaves chained behind it, slowly walking.

The slaves were mostly women and children, the ones that sells well. Arad could even see several mothers carrying their babies with them. He could feel his blood boiling from the inside.

^Slaves are suffering outside of the kingdom's regulation." All of them looked starving and only wore old rags.

{Probably kidnapped by bandits.}