Elven Blood II

"Lydia is right," Aella stared at the dragon, her eyes glowing with emerald green light.

"This is it," The purple dragon smiled, growling like a hungry monster, "I should drag you out now. Rare breeds are rare to find, as the name implies,"

Aella jumped from the wall, and the dragon looked at the ground, waiting for her to land.

After a second, she didn't hit the ground.

"What?" The purple dragon lifted his head, seeing Aella run mid-air toward his head, pointing her bow at him, "You can run on air?" He growled, and she fired the arrows.


The dragon saw the green arrows rushing toward him, feeling the magic inside them. He knew they didn't have enough power to harm him so he didn't bother to dodge.

ROAR! The dragon opened his jaw, trying to blow Aella back to the wall.

Aella stared at her arrows with green eyes, [Wind Arrow]

The arrows shifted their direction. One headed for the dragon's left eye, while the other two to his nostrils. PEW!