Gaining Respect

The village chief stood beside the gate, looking forward and waiting for The Princess and the adventurers to return.

"What were those noises from the mountain?" The chief looked at the guards.

"Sir, we didn't manage to see anything. That was the roar of a horrid monster, no doubt about it," the guard saluted the chief, standing beside him.

"I fear they agitated something we can't deal with." The chief sighed, "I hope we don't have to move again due to monsters. The people are exhausted."

The guard nodded, "You're right. We only moved here a year ago, and the people don't have the funds or stamina to travel." The guard looked at the mountain, "If they angered some kind of monster. This village is doomed."

The village chief sighed, "For God's sake, let's pray it was nothing to fear. The elderly have told me they rather die here than move again,"