To the Deianira Mansion

The queen woke up in her room, feeling a sharp pain coursing across her body. "Damn it, withdrawal again?" She growled, reaching into the water bottle at the bedside table.

Dalla stood from the couch and approached the bed, handing the queen the bottle, "In pain?"

"As usual, rage withdrawal," She gulped as if she didn't drink in years, "What happened? I didn't kill anyone, did I?"

Dalla smiled, "Not this time. Arad knocked you out,"

The queen sighed in relief, "Thank goddess, I didn't go all out, it seems."

"No, you did," Dalla said with a passive face, staring at the queen in the eyes. "You even summoned Farryn to aid you in battle."

The queen started sweating, "Where is Arad, is he hurt? That was divine magic,"

"He's unscathed. In fact, he wiped the ground with you." She looked away, "He even pulled a patron without a pact."

"He's a warlock? He shouldn't operate without a pact unless his patron is weak." The queen stared at Dalla, "You must be wrong,"