The Brilliant Mirror.

Arad and Aella approached the mansion's door, pushing it open as they walked inside.

Arad's eyes panned around the corners, inspecting the walls and floor for magic or traps. But there was nothing. The little pixie doesn't have any more tricks. "I expected you to trap the whole place," Arad looked at Aella's head.

"I did, but removed them when we finished the contract." She pouted, "I had several ones rigged up to blast you out. Had you managed to somehow chase me inside?" She smiled, "Luckly you didn't."

"How could I have done it?" Arad walked forward, "You shrunk me. I had to fight all the bugs outside."

"There are three ways to break the magic. The first is to break my concentration, but that's impossible. I've been using that magic for over nine hundred years." Zephyr smiled.

"That's one," Jack looked at her, "What about two and three?"