The Last Spark of a Wizard's life.

CLACK! One of the mages pointed his staff at Arad, charging a fireball. "Burn to ash!" He shouted.

In a crimson flash, the massive ball turned dark red in color, expanding toward Arad's face. He swung his wrist up, smacking the ball to the sky.

"GIH!" The mage gasped, stepping back as he saw Arad swing the sword at his neck. [Mist Step]

Covered in silver ash, the wizard disappeared leaving a weak magical presence. He appeared a fair distance away, pointing his staff at Arad. "AH! Lady of mysteries and magic, grant the student a hint of your wisdom." The wizard's body ignited in an eldritch flame as he smiled, giggling.

"What are you doing? You idiot!" One of the other mages growled.

The mage smiled, the flames dancing around his body. "Today, I shall offer thy a dance within magic. Let's play," he pointed his staff at Arad.