The Magic Seal

Arad walked up the stairs when Merlin called him, he saw Mira sitting on the edge of the bed with her shoulder bandaged.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine," Mira smiled, lifting her arm, "The wound itself isn't that bad,"

Arad sighed in relief, sitting beside her and looking at Merlin, "You sure all the poison is out of her body?"

"Of course, she only needs to rest so her wound can heal. Otherwise, she's as healthy as a horse," Merlin smiled, pulling a bottle of ink and some parchments. "I will get the spell ready, You two wait there," She started writing.

Mira looked at Arad, "The monsters, they didn't show up this time,"

Arad nodded, "I could sense them," He looked out the window, "They were lured to the edge of the forest by some large monsters."

"At the end of the day, they are animals and beasts," Merlin stared at Arad, "Even if you can speak with them and give orders, that doesn't mean that can't be easily manipulated."