The Plaza Clown

Arad walked through the city streets with the girls, looking for a calm place to sit and eat. "We're in the middle of the capital. We won't find a calm place." Eris stared at Arad, smiling, "We could find a clean bench and take a seat."

Aella looked around, "We can't sit on the roofs in the human kingdom, can we?"

Mira stared at her, "You can do that in the elvish kingdom?"

"We're mainly archers. Vertical movement is encouraged, so the roofs are public land," Aella replied.

"I don't think that's the case here as well," Arad looked around, "I don't see anyone on the roofs. We best find a bench like Eris suggested,"


"Come here, go there," A clown laughed in the middle of the plaza, waving his hands as the children gathered around, laughing.

Arad stopped and stared, "What is that?" He eyed the weird creature, seeing that it was a human, but failing to understand why he was dressed so weirdly.