Royal Bath II

"She's right," Mira growled from the side, grabbing Arad's other side. "Hands off,"

"We won't," One of the maids cried, barely standing.

Eris stared at the maids with a smile, "Don't listen to them. You can always lay your hands on him." She giggled, "Would give me an excuse to eat," She only saw them as food.

Arad walked forward, opening the bath's door, "I'm going in first. You follow me when you finish taking your clothes out,"

The two maids stood, staring at Arad's back as he walked into the bath.

"AW!" The two maids cried as Aella and Mira pulled them by the hair, "You're helping us. Stop gawking at him." Aella growled.

Arad walked inside the bath, seeing a marble shower room with a large cubic water jug in the ceiling. A hit of magic radiated from it.

^There is something hot inside that jug. It heats the water inside.^ Arad thought his eyes glowing as inspected the magic device, "I should get one for home."