Gura The Barbarian

Thud! Arad landed in the middle of the charred forest, staring around. ^I'm sure I sensed a faint hint of intelligence here.^

Considering how low the intelligence he sensed, Arad expected the adventurer to be dying. That's one of the main reasons he came here first.

"Probably buried under the..." CRACK! As he mumbled, a palm smacked his face, sending him flying and shattering the burned trees.

BAM! Arad's body stopped. His eyes glared forward, his vision a bit blurry. ^What was that?^ He gasped internally. He didn't sense any intelligent creature around him, nor magic.

Thud! A large foot stepped on the ground where Arad stood before, a hand pulling on a tree as a massive three-meter-tall naked woman walked out.

After a careful look, Arad determined she wasn't always naked. The flames burned her clothes off. She probably didn't count on that before charging into the flames.