Isdis's Night III

Arad walked into the cold bath, relaxing in the water. To him, such a temperature difference wasn't that significant.

The three bathmaids walked to the edge, standing ready for any call.

Soon after, Isdis finished washing and approached the bath, smiling, "You cooled it?" She tapped the water with her foot, finding it cold.

Arad nodded, "I don't care what temperature it's in, so I might as well make it what you're comfortable with,"

Isdis giggled, slowly sliding into the water, "I didn't expect that from you."

"You have Zephyr to thank for this," Arad closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he tried to relax for a while.

"COLD!" Rey cried as she tapped the water with her toes. "Is it cold?" Ray asked with a worried face.

"It's cold!" Rey replied, shivering.

Ray approached the water and touched it with her hand, "It's not that cold, a bit lower than room temperature."