Rancid Blood

After a few steps, darkness consumed the stairs as Eris pushed deeper.

Tip! Tap! She could only hear her footsteps as she looked into the dark. The stairs have shifted into a humid, musty cave stinking with blood. She could feel it in her bones. This cave isn't a place someone should stroll into.

Thud! The cave opened into a large cavern with stone stairs spiraling down into an open plateau.

"You dare come back?" A voice called from the ceiling.

A man stared at Eris as he stood in a balcony-like stone formation close to the ceiling. He pointed a bow at her, "Can't come here without murder,"

"Don't worry," Eris stared at him with a smile, "I will embalm you soon,"

"Sacrifice the priests to their god, poetic for our god," The man smiled, "But your blood is far better for the job," He pulled the string, "Murder her,"