The Dragon's Heist: Turned Tables.

Thud! Keno stood before the fortress's gate, "Open up!" He shouted.

"I doubt they will," Meimei sighed behind him, "You can hear them fighting in the forest, and whoever Alphonse sent us to hunt must be messing them up inside."

"You might be right," Keno looked at Gura, "Smash it,"

Thud! Thud! Gura walked forth, and Amolis and Jogan cried, "Wait! Who's going to pay for the damage?"

"The soldiers we're going to save," Keno patted Gura's back, crushing it.

"ARAAAAAAA!" Gura screamed, swinging her fist at the door. The steel frame bent and twisted as the portcullis snapped from its hinges, falling on the ground with a loud crash.

As the A-ranks walked into the fort, a guard rushed toward them, bleeding from his shoulder.

"A-ranks!" He cried, "Thank the gods,"

Amolis rushed to heal the soldier, "What's going on? Who's the monster behind the attack,"