The B-rat Is Back!

"Hoi, James," One of the bandits that Arad sent to the city approached his friend. "Can we go?" He asked.

"Go where Araman? Remember our job?" He sighed, "He said no slacking,"

The two walked out of the city, heading to the nearby village to keep searching and expanding their network. It wasn't like they didn't do such jobs before. It's just that this was the first time they were looking for clients instead of clients approaching them.

"I'm saying that we should make a run for it." Araman smiled, "We're going to a village already. All we need is smear ourselves in some shit from the animal pens so he won't track our smell and ride a carriage to another city."

FLAP! FLAP! FLAP! A crow landed on a tree near them, "GWAAAAAAAAA!"

The two looked at the crow for a second before looking at each other. "What do you say?" Araman smile.