Unfair Odds

CRACK! CRACK! Demogorgan stood as small as a human. He is a monstrosity with two baboon heads, a long snake tail, and four tentacles for arms. His legs are those of a goat, and the deep growl of his breaths can be heard from meters away.

^I'm down to one-third, no, one-quarter of my power.^ He growled, lifting his hand up and opening a small portal. ^Human souls, that's the fastest way to regain my power. Damn you, you be damned to the infinite abyss, Cain Lisworth. The horror that never dies,^

Grunting, the crumbling demon lord stepped back into the mortal world, taking a deep breath of its clear air. "I can smell them, humans! women! Children, fresh souls everywhere. This is truly a feast fit for a lord." He laughed.

"You're ugly, did anyone tell you?" Zephyr sighed, staring at him from a tree. Her eyes burned with a green flame.