Power From The Scales

CLANG! Zuggtmoy flew back, glaring at the two rushing at her.

Arad pulled the adamantine sword from his stomach. ^Doma, you two had a plan, right?^

She started dumping the information into his head as he swung his sword.

CLANG! CLANG! Using her long mushroom tentacles, Zuggtmoy deflected Arad's swings and tried to stab his head.

CLACK! Merida jumped in, deflecting the tentacle before it could pierce Arad's neck.

Arad jumped over Merida's back and swung a punch at Zuggtmoy's face. CRACKLE! She could feel her neck crack, and the shockwave of his punch radiated down to her feet.

SWOSH! Merida slipped between Arad's legs and swung her sword at Zuggtmoy's knees. CRACK! She couldn't cut them, but the impact was enough to drop her down.

Before she could hit the ground, Arad kicked her face, forcing her to stand again where Merida swung at her face.