The Stairs To The Third Layer I

Arad stared at the stairs in silence, "Here they are, he's really dead,"

"More than dead, his soul was destroyed," Merlin said, "I don't know what happened to him, but it was a stroke of good luck,"

"Luck?" Amber looked at her with a tired face, "This is Arad we're talking about. I won't be surprised if he could pull something like this off,"

Merlin thought about it, ^The devil's curse affects souls and enslaves them. I'm sure he tried to enslave Arad.^ She stared at Arad.

^Wait, if that's the case he must have touched her soul, she and Arad are tied together,^ Merlin thought, ^The witch of curses Doma. I expected her soul to be powerful, but for her to beat a devil's soul. It must have been a close fight, but it's good she came on top,^

"Let's check the stairs," Arad said as he approached them.

"Wait," Amber called them, "This devil didn't drop anything,"