Eaten Alive

Arad sighed, "Fine," He tapped his finger beside Merlin's drawing, "We fly straight to the stairs, ignoring every fight."

"You're right," She nodded.

"We have one chance," Amber looked down, "Can the door open while the guardian is alive?"

"It should open," Merlin replied, "This is a common tactic used to skin annoying layers in larger labyrinths."

Arad stood, "Get on my back. We're moving immediately," He said with a stern face.

"It's hot here," Amber stood, fanning her face, "Let's get out as fast as possible,"

"If it's hot, you can strip down," Merlin giggled.

"And then get sunburned into golden brown like a chicken breast on a pan? No thanks," Amber stared back at her, "You go and get burned if you want,"

Merlin looked at her arms and thighs, "I'm not going out of here without some browning, am I?"

"Arad is having it worse. He's topless," Amber pointed at him, "How about you give him his shirt back and strip?"