Into The Fifth Layer

Amber opened her eyes to a sharp pain radiating from her left arm up to her head. She immediately noticed a numb feeling around her left eye while she could only see from the right one.

She gasped, coughing as the scent of blood and burnt flesh gushed out of her lungs, "I'm still in one piece," She tried to sit, supporting her body with her right hand.

"Don't move," Merlin said, staring at her. "I'm not a healer, so expect the equivalent of sticking paper to the wall with spit,"

Amber smiled, "A shitty job, but it's good enough." She looked at her burned left arm, "I expected to lose everything up to my shoulder."

"The muscles are burned. You might have as well lost the whole arm." Merlin replied, "You might not want to use that again."

"Aren't you the one who urged me to try and control my powers?" Amber giggled. "But I understand what you mean. I should have tried using something smaller,"