Final Flash.

Thud! Arad landed on the tenth layer, seeing an empty wasteland spanning as far as the eyes could see.

"This looks like a rock desert," Merlin said, looking at the brownish stone formation, mountains, and bright sun in the sky. But strangely, it didn't feel hot.

"I don't see any monsters around here," Arad said, looking around them with a worried stare.

"There aren't any monsters in this layer," A woman's voice came from atop a mountain, and they looked up, seeing a black-haired Merlin with glowing white eyes staring down at them.

"So you're the one behind all of this," Arad smiled.

"I was a mere succubus imprisoned by her." She replied, "You can call me Ann, that what I was called before getting caught,"

"Caught?" Merlin giggled, "You can't complain after sucking over a thousand men to death, succubus of Avalors."