Eldritch End.

DING! Ann opened her eyes, staring at an endless darkness. "Where am I?" She growled, trying to move, but her body felt heavy. Each time she tried to take a step, it felt like she was to the neck in mud.

"Hello?" She shouted and then went silent, trying to cast a light spell. She felt the mana leaving her body, but no magic showed up.

"Does anyone hear me?" She screamed again.

"You won't shut up, will you?" A voice replied to her from the darkness, old and crackling, "You've been a real pain, do you know that?"

She smiled. ^This voice, I feel like I heard it before.^

"Show yourself. We need to talk." She said, "I would love to know what's happening here,"

Two blue eyes flashed in the darkness, "There is nothing for me to explain to you," The voice replied, "Starting a mess close to me, you have a real problem, don't you?"

"Who are you? Show yourself," Ann called, "I'm sure I've heard your voice before."