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"Arad, come here for a second," Aella looked inside the house through the window, "You need to try this."

"What is it?" Arad stood, walking out to see her.

"We've been testing the food for the wedding, and I want you to try it." She pointed toward a large pit fire with a massive pot above it.

"Why are you cooking outside?"

"Since we need to cook a large amount, the space inside the kitchen won't be enough," She replied. "The house is a bit small for all the work. So we're preparing things in the kitchen, then cook them outside where we can light the fire and line the large pots."

"So it's just a test," Arad approached the pot, "Then why all of this?"

Unlike what they usually cooked in, this pot was massive and probably had enough to feed twenty people.

Arad started counting inside his head. "You, Mira, Eris, Tina, Isdis, Rey, and Ray," He looked at her, "We're eight, less than half this amount."