Shocking News

Nina gasped, the ground beneath her feet cracking as the whole guild building shook, sending terror across all the adventurers. Everyone looked toward her. A box with the remains of an adventurer wasn't unusual. In fact, it was common.

A ranger looked through his fingers, using a skill to peak all the way to the paper in Nina's hand, curious as to who died this time.

[The Remain of Arad Orion of Alina, S-rank adventurer.]

The blood froze in his veins. His sweat gushed out as his skin almost turned into stone and his soul wanted to leave his body. That monster Arad died? It didn't seem real. What could be powerful enough to drop such a being down?

"Hey, who is it?" The fighter beside him asked, poking his side with his elbow, "Jorn? Don't tell me, that idiot Alomir?"

"I must be blind," The ranger mumbled, not wanting to believe his eyes.

"You aren't, who was it?" He poked him again.

"Arad Orion," He mumbled back with a frozen face.