Selica and Explosions

"Now that's a problem," Selica stared at the contract in Sena's hand, "Cosmically obliged to deliver this to her." Sena sighed, "It'll take me a while to figure a way out of this thing,"

"What do you suggest?" Selica approached and sat on the chair facing Sena's desk, pouring tea for the both of them.

"I'll call her and show her the contract," Sena replied, taking a sip. ^She brewed it with holy water?! A prank may be, but it's enough to tell the devil he isn't welcome here.^

"Then what? You keep it?" Selica looked at the contract, reading it.

"I'll need to give it several deep reads and try and figure some loopholes. At least from one glance, I see none." She shook her head, "We're in a pickle here,"

"I suspect killing the devil is out of the question, and so is burning the contract," Selica gave the contract back to Sena, "We have to play with the rules this time."