Eris Vs First Layer Of Hell

^I shouldn't fight them.^ Eris lunged past them, running up the mountain toward the gate.

"She's fast!" The devils growled, turning to chase her, "Stop here!" One of them threw his spear toward her, forcing her to dodge to the side.

"Tch!" Eris growled, looking around as she saw even more mid-rank devils surround her. "You really craw out like worms out of rotten corpses," She said as she ran between them.

"Said the woman who walked on her own into hell," A devil stared at her with a smile, "You aren't running away,"

More cut her way, forcing her to stop, "We said stop, you aren't going anywhere,"

Eris lifted her fists, "I'm not going down without a fight,"

"Your choice," One of the devils rushed at her, thrusting his spear forward.

With a giggle, Eris jumped over his attack, stepping on his head and jumping away, using him as a platform to escape the devils surrounding her.