The Royal Library

Arad walked around, looking at the seemingly endless shelves of books spreading across the library. "So much in one place," He said.

"All those books must be worth a fortune," she looked at one shelf, finding several magical books for spells and weapon schematics.

Arad approached one shelf that was locked inside a steel cage and ripped the lock apart, looking at what was inside. "Eris, look at this."

She approached, "Hair, art, and toes? What in the hell is this?"

"{It's a basic witchcraft guide, nothing amazing,}" Doma created a mouth on Arad's face and spoke, "{I can translate it for you if you want,}"

Arad opened the book and looked inside. From the first chapter to the last, it looked like a guide on how to make delicate haircuts, nail care, and how to draw tattoos with a needle and some ink. A weird subject, but it didn't look that witchery for him.

"You say it needs to be translated?" Eris looked at Arad, talking with Doma.