The First Day of School

^This'll be a good year.^ The director smiled, staring through her window at the lined students. ^To think that Prince Tempo would choose our school. His presence has led many nobles to sign up their children in the hope of building connections. Triple the amount this year,^

Her eyes panned across the students, finally stopping at a strange sight. A massive muscular man standing tall above all other students, playing with a doll in bright daylight.

"Who's this big baby?" She mumbled, but the image of Alcott quickly crossed her head. "He looks like that bastard. Even that massive build."

She lifted her hand, making a hole with her fingers and looking toward Arad, "Who are you?"

As she focused, Arad turned his head and glared back at her.

She jumped, instantly releasing her spell with sweat rushing down her spine. "Did he notice me? This place is protected by a barrier. How?" She looked through the window, seeing Arad waving his hand to her.