Monster Fighting Test II: Like Father, Like Son.

"She got him!" Aella shouted as the tiger roared.

"Careful!" Arad shouted at Mira as the tiger swung his tail at her. She lifted her hammer and blocked the strike with the shaft.

The impact sent her rolling as the tiger pulled his leg from the ground, regenerating in the blink of an eye.

Mira lifted her head, glancing forward, and saw the tiger charging at her with a bone-chilling roar.

"That hurt!" She growled, lifting her hammer and extending her hand forward, [Fire Bolt] KA-BOM! A flash of fire rushed toward the tiger's face, but it charged through unfazed. ^So it won't work? How about this?^ She jumped to the side [Reduce Weight] hitting the tiger with the spell, causing it to slide further as it tried to turn after her.

Since the change wasn't constant, the tiger couldn't adjust its move accordingly. An intelligent humanoid would've already figured it out, but a monster wouldn't.