To Arad, Everything is a Weapon.

The class quietly started as Arad took his seat and Matilda sat behind him. After introducing himself as Alomory Balatin, the teacher skipped the student's introduction in favor of starting the first class, stating that they would have enough to get to know each other in the next class.

On the board, he drew a box, and inside it wrote [System]

"The main blessing that the gods gave us is the system. Through its mystical power, we can gain more power by defeating monsters. A way to reward the hard workers protecting humanoids from monsters." He explained and turned toward the student. "Does anyone know the origin of the system here?"

A girl in the back lifted her hand, "I've heard it's a blessing not from the gods. But from a powerful god that rules over them. An overgod,"

"You're a cleric, I see," The teacher smiled, "You're close but not on the point."