Talent For Magic

The new girl looked at the class. "Anansi Akumu from the far eastern kingdom of Demoria. I'm a rogue that specializes in poisons. I know a lot of you are salty that I got accepted even though I missed the entrance exam."

"For real!" A guy in the back growled. "I'd say good for you that you managed to enroll, but it definitely feels bad for us. I had to pass through the wyvern ravine to get here, and several of the guards I hired had died. Are you telling me we could've waited for those monsters to immigrate?"

"I can't say." Anansi looked at him. "Who knows? My carriage got swept in an avalanche and I barely managed to survive and crawl myself here."

"I see…" The student sighed, "But that still doesn't feel right. Rules should be the rules. Without them, the order can't be maintained."