What the Daughters Are Up To.

Aella walked upstairs carrying the wiggling Serin in her arms. It was Tina's turn to cook, so she had to take care of the baby. Even though most babies were active, Serin was an extreme case. Letting her unwatched for even a few seconds, she'll disappear like a ghost.

Aella laid Serin in her cradle and closed the top with a large cover to prevent her from jumping down.

Serin watched Aella lock her in and sat down looking at her. The moment Aella finished locking her. She climbed into the side of the cradle and started rocking it. After just a few seconds she had built enough force to knock the cradle down and the cover fell off.

Serin crawled out, running away but Aella caught before she could make it far. "Who taught you to do that?" She stared at her. No baby should have such strength, but Serin seemed to be extremely healthy, and with how much she played with Arad, she had put on a lot of stamina mana.

"GAAA GAAAA!" Serin replied, waving her arms.