A Battle in The 7th Dimension

Vasilissa took a step forward and Nyar jumped back, trying to fly away and escape with his hide. He hadn't fully recovered yet and getting injured badly once more is a certain way to put him to sleep for another thousand years.

At that moment she appeared in front of him, swinging her bright sword at his neck faster than any living being could see. Nyar was faster, long bony spikes burst from his chest and hit her sword, shattering it.

"Using weapons while fighting me, are you a fool?" He looked at her. There is an order to the world, mundane weapons, magic weapons, and then artifacts, but no matter how powerful the god who creates a divine artifact, it'll never have a higher potential than said god.

The sparking shards of her sword stopped mid-air, and turned around, slashing Nyar's back. As he gasped, Vasilissa punched him in the face so hard she sent him flying back.