The Execution II

Arad jumped from the building, sliding at the wall and holding onto a cloth straight to slow his fall, finally landing inside a pile of trash. He jumped out, pushing the bags and wood with his massive shoulders, carving his way into the thick crowd.

The inquisitor noticed his action and alerted two of her guards to keep an eye on him. He might be one of the witch's minions. "Don't kill him, he might be controlled by a curse." She looked at the witch, "Release him at once."

The witch spat on her face, "Fuck off! And do you think I can do anything with those on?" And growled, shaking her chained hands. Those shackles were specially made to block all types of magic. With them on, she can't neither sense nor affect mana.

The inquisitor wiped the spit off her face, "Matter not. He'll be free once your head rolls." She pointed at the guillotine, "Cut her head off." As the knights started dragging the witch, she growled at the inquisitor.