Chapter 3 - Unknown

"All detection and navigation systems are operating properly. But we haven't received any signals! There are disturbing sounds, but we can't hear anything, sir!"

"Damn it!"

"Calm down Admiral! We have to be calm under these circumstances."

"You're right, quickly change the ship's status to red alert. Restart the ship and let's hope God is on our side."

"Yes sir!"

"Attention to all crew members! The ship's status has been changed to red alert. Immediately retrieve your equipment and weapons! All crew must attend their post ASAP!"

"Sir! All crew has been ready! What's the next order?!"

"Advance the ship. Full speed ahead."

"Full speed ahead!!"

The KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata sailed back at full speed in this strange sea. As far as they sailed, the ocean was all they found. Nothing but a vast open ocean with different kinds of weather along the way. Until one day, the ship's sonar detected something in the distance.

"CIC to bridge! We detected something on the ship's sonar. It's most likely a foreign warship."

"Until the situation can be deemed safe, it is better to avoid direct contact with them. Immediately dispatch a helicopter to look at the target's condition!"


"Helicopter 1 crew, prepare to make a flight to the designated location."

"This is Heli One, we're preparing to take off."


"Aurora in the mysterious sea, absence of satellite network. Are we in another world?"

"For now the situation is still unclear. Our current priority is to locate the missing fleet."

"Yes, sir!"

It took 1 hour for the helicopter to reach the location of the unknown ship. Throughout the journey, the helicopter continued to maintain communication with the ship through radio conversations. After seeing the situation at the location of the foreign ship, the helicopter crew immediately reported a surprising thing to the crew of KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata.

"Heli One to the bridge! Good news Captain! The foreign ship we detected is one of our 9th Fleet ships! We will be landing on KRI Diponegoro soon!"

"Understood. Thank you for the information."

"Power up the ship at full speed. Change course to the 9th Fleet location."

"Full speed!"

The ship moved at full speed toward the location where the 9th Fleet was located. Meanwhile, the helicopter crew was welcomed by the crew of KRI Diponegoro. However, they were surprised to find out that there was one more ship joining the 9th Fleet. Namely KRI Irian, this Sverdlov-class cruiser ship joined the 9th fleet due to the similarity of nationality despite different eras. The KRI Irian ship they met was different from the one in their history. KRI Irian is more similar to the Russian Navy's Pyotr Velikiy Kirov-Class Battlecruisers. Its weaponry and size are almost similar to the Pyotr Velikiy.

It didn't take long for KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata to reach the location of the 9th Fleet. Vice Admiral Otto went to KRI Diponegoro to meet Colonel Rudi and First Admiral Salman from KRI Irian by boat.

"Good afternoon Vice Admiral! Welcome back."

"Good afternoon Colonel! Thank you, is there any damage to the 9th Fleet ships?"

"None so far. It's just that we have an additional ship, KRI Irian, to meet First Admiral Salman. Salman, he is the leader of the 9th Fleet, Vice Admiral Otto."

"First Admiral Salman is ready to report! So far we haven't found anything suspicious. The leadership of the 9th Fleet is handed back to you!"

"Report accepted! I'll take over the 9th Fleet leadership. Immediately return to your respective positions. Maintain the fleet's V formation. We will keep moving until we reach land!"


After the handover of fleet leadership, Vice Admiral Otto and First Admiral Salman immediately returned to their respective ships. The 9th Fleet then moved at a constant speed towards the east. 5 hours passed until they finally spotted an island in the distance.

"Admiral! An unknown island is detected in the distance."

"Prepare the helicopter. Find out the situation and conditions on the island. Don't forget to brief them and bring some of our marines to stand guard."


"Helicopter 1 crew, prepare to make a flight to the designated location."

After the helicopter unit was briefed along with some marines to find out the situation on the island. They took off and conducted some reconnaissance operations against the unknown area.

"Bzzt... this is Recon Unit 1, Permission to report!"

"This is the ship's bridge, permission granted."

"We've found 6 cities on the island. We also found a fleet of enemy warships that looked like in the film Pirates of The Caribbean. And 17 cannons... artillery? I think so. They're in a coastal town close to our location and are currently docked. Report complete."

"Report received. Is there anything else strange?"

"Nothing so far sir!"

"Good. Keep conducting reconnaissance on the enemy."


After receiving the report, Rear Admiral Agas immediately reported this to Vice Admiral Otto.

"Pirates of The Caribbean? You mean the sailing ship of the Pirate era?"

"I think so... Toni, are there any books about the Pirate era in the mini library?"

"Just a moment, I'll take a look."

"Then... artillery? Is this artillery.. looks like the mortar of the pirate era?"

"If the warships alone are still sailing ships, it's likely that gunpowder has already been invented and mass-produced. Although I'm not sure that long-barrelled rifles have been invented, I've seen some royal armies in that era use a musket as their weapon. But pistols like Flintlock and the look-alike might still exist. It's just that most of the enemy troops would still use conventional arrows/bows in the Middle Ages."

"Captain! I found the book."

"Thank you, Toni, return to your original position."

"Yes Sir!"

"Let's see what type of ship Farhan is talking about... By the way, call Farhan to the deck."

"Bridge to Unit 1, this is Admiral Otto."

"Unit 1 to Bridge, we're ready to report!"

"Tell me what kind of the enemy fighter."

"Well... based on my observations, it looks like there are 2 types of ships the enemy has based on their size. Both ships have three tall wooden masts... but for the largest ships, they have 3 decks of cannons while the small ones only have 2 decks."

"Two and three decks? Agas... isn't this similar to Man O'War and Frigate type ships?"

"Based on the explanation in the book and the characteristics Farhan said, they are indeed the same. We can assume that they have Man O'War and Frigate type ships."

"Understood, it seems that they only have 2 Man O'War ships and the rest are just military Frigates with various design variations."

"Alright... Return to the ship."


"Excuse me... Admiral..."


"Didn't we sail for one night?"

"Yes, so what?"

"Then why is the ship's petrol still full?"





After that short speechless pause, Admiral Otto immediately called the galley department to confirm something."

"Dispatch to the Kitchen! This is Admiral Otto."

"Kitchen to Bridge! This is galley chief Wawan, ready to report!"

"Check our food rations immediately. Has it been reduced or is it still intact?"

"Admiral, we have been sailing for 3 days, surely the rations will- a.. admiral.. why are the rations still intact?"

"What? Try to cook the topmost ration. I'll be in the kitchen with Agas soon."

"Yes, sir!"

"Agas, come with me to the kitchen. Everyone, stay in your respective positions and be ready in case something happens."


After calling Wawan, Otto and Agas immediately walked to the kitchen. In there, Wawan was busy cooking the rations that came out of nowhere and filled up the ship's supply room. Half an hour passed before Agas and Otto tasted the rations that had just been cooked.

"Hmm... as for the smell, there's no problem... how about your Agas?"

"There is no suspicious smell."

"There is no expiry date on the plastic cover of the ration, Captain."

"Missing? All of it?"

"Looks like it."

"Alright... let's try these rations."

"Hmm... pretty good... so far it tastes just like our usual rations."

"That's right."

"So far there's no problem with the taste and smell of the food... does this have anything to do with the missing expiry date?"

"It's possible, but how can they be replenished."

"For now we'll just chalk it up to coincidence, maybe tomorrow or a week later everything will be back to normal. Therefore, we must quickly find a way to communicate with the natives of this world."

"Alright, Admiral..."

Meanwhile, at the place where Unit 1 was scouting, Bagaantulag City to be precise. An admiral was seen busy organizing the supplies of his fleet. While he was busy looking at the ship's luggage list, he was approached by his men who came in a hurry.

"Admiral! Look over there!"

"What do you mean- huh? Give me the binoculars immediately!"

"Here, sir!"

When the admiral looked with a spyglass in the direction his men were pointing. He saw a strangely shaped piece of metal flying around the city, then stopped for a brief moment before flying away. He was surprised to see it and reflexively ordered his men to pursue the flying iron.

"Hoist the sails immediately! We're going after that thing! I leave the security of the city to you, Colonel Rutzen!"

"Yes, sir!"

He and his Man O'War crew immediately chased the iron object at full speed. Even though they were chasing at full speed, the iron object's speed was much faster and it almost disappeared if the Admiral didn't keep his eyes on it. It took an hour and a half for them to reach the location where the metal object had landed. When they saw where it landed, they were shocked by the huge iron object that was not shaped like a normal ship but was still able to float.

"Admiral! What should we do?"

"Stay calm, even though there are more of them, we should confirm who they are before attacking them."

"But... there is a possibility that they will attack us first."

"That's the risk, we, the third fleet of the Wachia Royal Navy must be ready to accept whatever risks and challenges we face. Prepare the ship's cannons!"

"Aye Aye!"

"Hoist the sails! Approach the enemy ship slowly."

On the other hand, Admiral Otto, who had returned from the galley to see the foreign ship approaching slowly them, ordered the entire fleet to prepare to sink the enemy ship if they were attacking the fleet.

"The entire fleet, this is Admiral Otto, wait for my signal before shooting them."


Slowly but surely, the enemy Man O'War ships immediately aimed their cannons at the 9th Fleet. However, they lowered a small boat containing the ship's captain and some of his trusted men. The boat sailed towards Raden Eddy Martadinata's ship as it was the closest and most forward of the fleet's V formation.

"Admiral Otto, what do we do?"

"Take out the ladder. We will welcome them."


"Take out the ladder!"

"Take out the ladder!"

The enemy captain and his men climbed the ladder to the top of the ship. There, they were greeted by Otto, Agas, and several well-armed Chiefs of Staff.

"Welcome to KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata. I am Otto, Captain of the Raden Eddy Martadinata as well as Vice Admiral of the 9th Fleet."

"Introducing, I am Pierot, Admiral of the 3rd Fleet of the Wachia Kingdom and Captain of the Red Baron."

"Wait, can you understand our language?"

"It seems so, right Admiral?"

"Ekhm.. then what business do you have coming to the territory of the Wachia Kingdom?"

"You could say we're lost at the moment... and need information about this continent before returning to our home territory if possible."


"You could say that."

"Huh... seems weird.. alright then, but are you a danger to us?"

"No, no. We won't attack anyone unless someone attacks us first."

"Well... you can come with us to the royal capital."

"The royal capital? Directly?"

"Well, all information about this continent is usually stored in the Lenstein Library in the capital."

"In that case, do you have a map of the continent?"

"A map of the continent? Yes, it's in the city of Bagaantulag. It's where our fleet is docked, you can come with us there I guess."

"Alright, let's go to Bagaantulag city first."


After the two had a meeting and made a neutral agreement. The Red Baron ship led the 9th Fleet towards Bagaantulag city at a constant speed. However, its speed sometimes depended on the wind speed at sea. Therefore, it took longer than expected to arrive at the city harbour. After they arrived at the harbour of Bagaantulag city, only the KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata was allowed to dock to maintain the security of the city. Whenever the KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata anchored, Admiral Pierot had ordered security for the crew of the KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata and had coordinated with the Ninth Regiment of Bagaantulag to maintain the security of the city.

"Admiral Pierot, are they not a danger to us?"

"No Colonel Rutzen, they have signed an agreement with me. For the army, they will not attack us unless they are attacked first."

"Sigh... that's good. I hope they are good allies."

"So be it."

Then, the KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata anchored at the harbour of Bagaantulag city quickly and safely. There, only Vice Admiral Otto, Rear Admiral Agas, and a few heavily armed Chiefs of Staff were allowed out, the rest remained in their respective positions in case anything untoward happened. Vice Admiral Otto has also ordered the 9th Fleet to retreat into deeper waters/away from the city in the event of an incident within the city to prevent any casualties on the part of the 9th Fleet. For the evacuation of the Vice Admiral's group, KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata will remain on standby even if they have to fight off enemy forces trying to get to them. Of course, they will be assisted with the help of marine helicopters from the LPD that have been on standby from the beginning.

"Unit 1 to the Bridge, this is Captain Apip ready to report!"

"Unit 2 to the Bridge, this is Lieutenant Richie ready to report!"

"Bridge to Air Unit, this is Colonel Iwan, keep an eye on the city. If anything happens, contact the Bridge immediately."


At the headquarters of the Third Fleet of the Wachia Royal Navy, Admiral Pierot showed the map of the Buviland continent to Vice Admiral Otto and Rear Admiral Agas. Rear Admiral Agas with Admiral Pieort's permission photographed the Buviland map and discussed everything about the coordinates of the Buviland map used, the direction of the sea breeze, the seasons that the Buviland continent had, and the north pole that Buviland had, as well as the countries that existed on the Buviland Continent.

"The snowy mountains themselves are only found in the northern part of the Almewesian Union, close to the border of the Kirlowbigian Empire. Currently, the Kingdom of Wachia is busy at war with the Kingdom of Asfelia and its Vassal, namely the Kolomih Republic Union and the Quilika Kingdom Union. The only ally the Wachia Kingdom has is the Almewesian Union."

"Hmm... thank you for the information, but we will decide to be neutral in any war unless we are attacked first. Perhaps misunderstandings can occur, but we prioritize communication with any party to prevent unwanted incidents."