Chapter 14 - Riot

While Admiral Otto was busy chatting with Lord Khaj'ti of the Narokh Theocracy about treaty proposals and so on, Laksda Agas was busy preparing for tomorrow's inauguration ceremony with Baron Shupert. Baron Shupert himself still has the title of Baron until the inauguration ceremony takes place and he will be sworn in as Governor of Amacsa and the structure of the Indonesian Provisional Government will be officially implemented. Of course, some things cannot be transferred directly so in the future the Royal Government structure will still be used together with the Provisional Government structure.

Today's dinner was relatively conducive, except for a few fellow diplomats who couldn't resist the taste of alcohol. They were immediately rushed to the Navy Health Centre's tent for treatment. Some diplomats also saw how the available health personnel carried out the first aid process. The military doctor on duty also did not hesitate to answer questions posed by the diplomats.

While everyone was busy with their own business and interests, one of the guards from the North-West outpost reported that there had been a siege and destruction by a group of anarchy. Admiral Otto who heard this immediately ordered the Company resting in the military area next to the Government Complex and northeast of the city to be on standby and move towards the area where the riot occurred. While the Marines prepared for the impending confrontation, Admiral Otto along with some Marine soldiers instructed the diplomat guests to rest inside the government building. Laksdya Otto also instructed Laksda Agas to look after and provide the necessary needs for the diplomat guests while he took care of the unrest.

After all the business was handled and taken over by Laksda Agas, Laksdya Otto immediately boarded a parked BTR 40 along several Anoa APS-3 Pansers. He switched on his protophone to listen to a live report from the squad on guard. Based on reports, the group of protesters were coming from the direction of the Ashbrook District. They came armed with torches, earthen forks, and a sign that read "Get out of our town!". When they were a few metres away from the guard post, one of them suddenly threw a firecracker bomb into the guard post. The firecracker bomb exploded and damaged several parts of the post.

The soldiers on duty immediately pointed their weapons at the protesters, warning them not to come any closer or they would be shot dead. One of the marines immediately fired his rifle upwards as a warning shot. The warning shot surprised almost everyone in the area. Some of the frightened protesters immediately ran away while the rest remained stiffly silent until one of the protesters' provocateurs shouted again.

Based on the report, Laksdya Otto immediately divided the platoon into 2 squads during the journey. The first squad would move towards the guard post to assist and evacuate the injured, while the second squad would come from the opposite direction to surround and capture the fleeing demonstrators. Once there, some old soldiers pointed their halberds to create some distance between them. With the arrival of Admiral Otto's squad, the protesters' attention was diverted and those who were afraid quickly fled the area. Unfortunately, the second squad had already arrived along with some of the residents who had earlier tried to escape.

This caused panic and chaos within the protesters' camp. Admiral Otto switched on the megaphone and ordered the protesters to drop their weapons and surrender. Since they were surrounded, most of the protesters followed his instructions. Some of those who remained tried to shout while defending their positions.

One of the protesters slowly tried to take out a firecracker bomb that he had prepared to be lit before throwing. Luckily, one of the marines who saw this immediately shot him dead. His fellow protesters were shocked and tried to do the same in response. Unfortunately, those who tried were immediately shot dead or shot in the arm. Admiral Otto immediately ordered the Marines to detain them and secure the weapons the protesters were carrying.

After all the demonstrators weapons were secured, Admiral Otto ordered his soldiers to interrogate several people including one demonstrator who tried to throw a firecracker bomb. Baron Shupert was brought in to reduce the tension between the protesters and the marines. Some of the interrogated protesters said that they were paid to demonstrate with the provocateurs to demand the return of Amacsa City's ownership to the Kingdom of Wachia.

"So... you were paid by the person who got shot in the leg to protest with them?"

"I.. yes.. mo.. more or less.."

"How much did you get paid to protest?"

"Erm.. 20 copper coins..."

"20 copper coins?! Is that all?"

"I... yes..."

" My goodness... well... your reports will be recorded and collected."

"Umm... will I be imprisoned?"

"Eh... we'll see."

"Sir... please sir! Don't put me in jail! Sir!"

"Take him on the truck."

"Yes sir!"

After Admiral Otto and some marines interrogated the protesters, he ordered a squad of marines to take the protesters to the prison that had been built in the basement of the new Government Building. The remaining squad would clear the area and neutralise the guard posts with Baron Shupert to control the situation. Laksda Agas has also ended today's banquet and moved the diplomats to their hotel. The hotel was also guarded with tight security from 2 additional platoons brought in from Labuan Baru town.

Although the area around the hotel was cordoned off from the public, curious townspeople along with the diplomats were still able to watch as the group of protesters disembarked from the truck and were taken to the basement of the Government House. Some residents whose family members were arrested tried to plead with the marines for their release. However, Admiral Otto told them not to and ordered them to return home immediately. He also assured the concerned family members that the arrested protesters would be cared for and treated accordingly before tomorrow's official announcement.

By midnight, the city was silent from the chirping of people. The next day, all of Amacsa City's residents and diplomats were gathered for the inauguration of Amacsa City's takeover. The protesters were also brought to the ceremony, but they were separated from the crowd and guarded by marines from several sides. The sequence of events will be listed as follows.

The master of ceremonies (Marine Colonel) enters the ceremonial ground;

The master of ceremonies (Admiral Otto) arrives at the venue;

Salute to the master of ceremonies;

Initial report to the master of ceremonies;

Raising of the Red and White flag accompanied by the national anthem Indonesia Raya by the choir;

Reading the text of the principle of Pancasila;

Reading of the text of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia;

Reading of the Decree of the Kingdom of Wachia regarding the transfer of ownership of the Hutawantia island area to the Indonesian Provisional Government;

Mandates from the master of ceremonies and representatives of the Kingdom of Wachia;

Final report to the master of ceremonies;

Salute to the master of ceremonies;

The master of ceremonies leaves the podium;

The ceremony is over, the cordons are dismissed.