Chapter 6

[Time Skip 2 months]

It's been a while since Errol arrived at the city of trouble, and the things that he experienced there were...

"Nothing hahaha, looks like there was no reason for me to feel scared all this time...for now"

Errol laughs while playing his video game in his room. For the first month since his arrival in this town, he was in fear that, some random hollow will suddenly appear.

But as he explore this town, he didn't even meet a single hollow, although he did meet some ghosts which he didn't bother to approach and acted as if he can't see them as he was still scared at the prospect called ghosts.

He also tried to see if he could meet some canon characters in the past months, but to his surprise, he didn't meet any one of them. Though it was also not surprising since he didn't even manage to explore at least 3% of this town.

The rest of the time what he did was play around, and learn Japanese which is not hard when he cheated using an order to increase his comprehension and try to see what he can do with his abilities. His overall power growth during this year was still ongoing with his two Order.

As of now, Errol measures his physical strength to be equal to at least three adult men. As for his spiritual energy, he has no basis of measurement so he doesn't know, but he does know that it was also 3 times stronger than when he started to use his power.

Errol who was still playing on his game suddenly heard a knock on the door. Before it was opened by his grandpa looking at him seriously.

Errol didn't know what was up so he greeted him awkwardly. "Hello grandpa"

Grandpa Orlando just keeps on staring silently which made Errol feel more awkward and began to think if he made some mistake. Fortunately, Grandpa Orlando finally made a movement, which was in a form of a sigh.

"Errol, it looks like I am spoiling you a bit"

'No your spoiling me a lot' Errol thought but he didn't say it, as he actually like it.

"Do you know what you did wrong?"

Errol thought for a moment and couldn't really think of any. Orlando who looked at him couldn't help but sigh again.

"You've been staying here in our house for most of the time, and you promise me that you will try to talk to people even if you are not going to school"


"What do you mean by "Ah" there? I am not accepting a no for this day and you will go out with Akane to the park to play with the kids of your age"

"Ohh...ahhh...Ehhhhh!" Errol acted scared as if was going to meet a ghost.

Orlando can't help but shook his head, looking at the reaction of Errol.

Before Errol notice it he was already at the front of one of the many parks here in Karakura town. He was accompanied by a middle age woman that works in their house.

"Go on young master, go play to your heart's content, I'll be here waiting for you"

Akane who was the maid said to him with a smile of encouragement. Errol wanted to say he wanted to go home but just held it in as he knows that she only listen to his grandpa.

He walk forward and was greeted by a lot of kids playing around, he sighs and just try to get in touch with them.

After a few minutes later, Errol was sitting in a swing alone

"I hate kids..."

A few minutes ago he try to talk to them but just as he expected he didn't manage to talk to them as it felt like he was speaking to someone from another dimension.

In the end, he decided to try to just play with them to pass time and was again frustrated with their antics as they just keep adding new things to the game that made no sense.

In the end, he gives up trying to socialize with kids and just swings here alone. In the first place, he was only doing this so that his grandpa wouldn't worry about him anymore.

He was about to just return to the car and throw some tantrum as that will surely make Akane shut up and return home when he suddenly heard some vague clanking sound.

He looks around but didn't see anything.



Errol move his head toward the area he heard the sound. This time he heard it clearly and from the way it sounds, he could only think of it like it was some chain.

'A spirit?'

Errol ponder about not bothering to approach it, but thinking of his action since arriving here, maybe talking with the ghost might not be bad and maybe he could learn a few things as he missed a lot of parts of bleach or was not explained in the show.

After a few moments, he decided to talk to a ghost since he got nothing to do. He jumped from his swing and move toward the area he is hearing the sound.

He is not afraid that Akane will search for him, as the maids know he likes being alone and just let him be after they got an ok sign from grandpa. He knows that he is very mature compared to his peers and this gave him some small freedom of choice.

He left the park, and after a few turns he arrives at an old-looking house the just screamed of being haunted.


Errol hesitated of entering the house as he is quite bad when it comes to horror stuff. But thinking of the future horrors that the battle would come, he decided to take it as a test to man up and enter.

He tried to find an entrance but all the entrance was closed and there was nothing he could use to climb so he could only do one thing.

He squatted for a moment before pouring a lot of strength into his leg and jumping incredibly high for his size. He landed on the other side safely while making a pose.

It was silent for a moment before he stand up as if nothing happened, he looks around making sure no one sees him.

He then look at the door and gulped, he touched the handle and turned it. What he saw inside was the very definition of a haunted house.

There are lots of spider webs and old-looking furniture some already collapse from old age, it was also very dark.

'I just remembered I am also scared of insects and spiders..."

Errol took a deep breath and he couldn't help but think he was doing something stupid.

He took a step and walk inside, he walk very carefully and watch everything around him.

Every time he took a step his nervousness was increasing.

Errol was now regretting thinking of meeting a ghost and thinking about it, there are a lot of spirits outside just standing on the roadside and easy to approach.

'Note to self never make a dumb decision like this in the future'

The moment he was caught on thinking about his future he accidentally bumped into something that causes a chain reaction and made a mess, dust was all around the place.

Errol close his eyes from the dust while coughing "cough, cough how many mistakes will I be doing this day, cough"

Errol open his eyes and what appears was a mess of furniture around him, but that is not his focus right now but the big spider on his chest right at the size of his palm.

He suddenly stop breathing while staring at the spider while the little thing also stared back at him.

It was a total silence for a couple of seconds until the spider move a step.


A loud scream of a young child was then sounded inside an old haunted-looking house was heard in the neighborhood.