Chapter 14


'Looks like this is it for me.... goodbye...Errol' This was her last thought before the hollow put strength in his mouth to eat her. It was a total silence that was supposed to accompany her to death.

That is what is supposed to happen until something like a bullet, zooms in hitting the hollow right to its chest and making its mouth lose its strength, letting Izumi go.


Errol arrived.


Errol after punching the hollow away immediately caught, Izumi that was falling and retreated. He immediately checks her condition and finds that her condition is quite severe.

[Izumi Abiko will heal at an extreme rate]

The moment the order was made, Izumi's injuries began to heal at a fast rate. Her eyes that were closed moved and slowly opened, and she saw Errol's worried face close to her face.

"Izumi are you ok!?" He ask immediately noticing she was awake.

Izumi who was staring at him silently and slowly raised her hand and touch his face.

"Is this an Illusion? If that is so...I am glad that at least I can see you one last time" Izumi smile weakly before falling unconscious, Errol panicked and immediately checked her condition and was relieved that she was just unconscious.

He then began to move her to the side, before standing. He turned his head to the side with the biggest glare he might have ever made, in both of his life, staring at the one who caused all this.

The hollow that was blown to the other side of the wall by Errol slowly come back with a little scratch on its chest. It looks down for a moment to see the scratch before looking up at Errol.

"Not a bad hit, but it looks like I am quite lucky today, an even more delicious meal has come at my feet," The hollow said with clear joy in its voice.

Errol just keep on glaring at the hollow, he never thought that he ever could be this angry, he was the passive type and prefer to back down immediately if there was a fight, as he felt it was just a waste of time and not worth it.

"But now I don't care anymore as long as Incan kill you!" The moment Errol said the words, he immediately rushed forward at the fastest speed he could do. He jumped and launched a kick at its mask which it blocked with its arms and was pushed back a few steps.

Errol didn't stop and kept on attacking with rage containing all his attacks. He punch and punches towards the face of the hollow with his arm keeping its guard on its face from all the attacks.

Errol blinded by his rage was only using his body that was boosted by an Order to fight the hollow, in his mind the only thing he wants to do is to rip apart this hollow. He can't even think clearly due to his rage and change to another Order to end the fight quickly.

Thankfully before he lets his rage take on his mind he was still able to use the other slot to heal Izumi.

The hollow waited before dodging one of Errol's jump kicks by moving to the aide, and Errol was now a free target in the air. The hollow swung his arm towards Errol, who was able to turn around mid-air and guard himself with his feet.

He has smashed away in the direction of a wall, but with his inhuman reaction speed that was boosted by an Order, he was able to move his body mid-air and step on the wall. He minimizes the impact, before pouring lots of strength into his feet and uses the wall as a stepping stone to jumps from toward the hollow.

The hollow didn't expect this before a knee hits his chin, Errol couldn't help but make tsk for missing the mask.

It was blown in the air and was knocked down, Errol didn't stop and Immediately jump at its chest and launch a barrage of a fist right at its mask.

"Die!" Errol said furiously, his strength which was already 3 times of a human standard was even further boosted by an order, and the hollow was receiving it all head-on.

The hollow managed to put its arm again guarding its mask against every single attack of Errol. Errol keep on punching relentlessly until he was stopped by the calm voice of hollow and it even carried some amusement.

"Oooh, you got a nice strength how about you taste it yourself" The moment the hollow said those words, its body began to compress for a second and suddenly decompress fast while releasing a powerful shocked way around it.

"Arrgh!" Errol was hit directly, he grunted while hitting the wall and breaking it with his back, the surroundings were a mess with the most damaged part around the hollow.

"Cough, Cough! How?" Errol ask in confusion, he was clearly dominating the fight. He stands up wobbly and looks at the hollow which was grinning at him.

"Are you curious why I am Ok after all your attack? Hahaha, I don't really mind telling you, I can absorb the force of blunt-type attacks on me and release it in a form of a shockwave, and it looks that is the only thing you can do, too bad for you but it looks like I am your counter" The hollow jump high holding both of its hand together up high, and smash it towards Errol.

Errol who was still hurt had a hard time to move only barely managed to move, so he was still hit on his shoulder. He was sent flying towards the window and smashed outside the courtyard.

"Aarrgh!" Errol felt extreme pain, all around his body that he never experienced in his life.

He was lying on the naked ground full of weeds with his arm dislocated. He grunted feeling the pain in his arms, but he managed to hold himself and not lose sight of the hollow.


The hollow jumped from the second floor to the ground a few meters away from him. "Hehehe, not bad I thought I could crush you from that hit but you managed to dodge at the last second, but you won't be lucky this time hehe"

It slowly walked towards Errol while laughing in victory, Errol stand with difficulty while holding his arms with his head facing down.

"You're quite tough aren't ya, but resistance is futile with your condition, so just let me devour you peacefully HEHEHE" It laughs gleefully.

"Why are you laughing like you already win..." Errol said while staring at the hollow with a cold glare.

The hollow laugh stops and stares at him with amusement clearly painted on its face and continues to laugh even harder.


Errol whisper.

[Give me the power to control and increase the growth of plants]

The laugh of the hollow stop when a suddenly the ground suddenly crack and vines shoot out binding its arm leg and torso.

"Wh-what?" It looks confused before staring at Errol, who didn't move his stare away from the hollow since the start.

"I plan to kill you immediately at first but thanks to the pain you inflicted on me, I managed to wake up and thought that I should make sure you suffer first for what you did to IZUMI!" Errol shouted with anger as he manipulate the vines to slowly pulled the hollow apart.

"RAARRGHH!" The hollow felt the vines start pulling him apart and immediately try to break free, only that his effort was wasted as more and more vines came out of the ground.

The hollow looked at the vines in fear as he felt his body being pulled apart slowly. It keeps on wailing from the pain.

"Arrg!!! Make it stop! Make it Stop!! ARRHHH!!"

Errol stared at the hollow that is shouting in pain, before adding more spiritual energy to the vines increasing its strength and ripping the hollow apart.

Its torso along with its head was thrown to the ground by the vines, leaving it with no arms and legs.

The hollow's face stared up with difficulty only to find the cold eyes of Errol staring at him with anger. Errol pulled his right fist back and punch with all his strength boosted again by an Order along with his anger.

He's fist struck the mask and face of the hollow, blowing it away. The hollow keeps on rolling again and again on the ground until it hit the wall destroying it with itself making a mess of dust around.

When the dust disappear its body was shown slowly disappearing like it never even existed, leaving a destroyed house.