Chapter 34

(Time Skip 1 and half Months)

It is now the middle of May and Errol's daily life can be said to have been turned into a normal kid attending school. But he endured it for his grandpa, not like he needs to pay attention to class.

Every day when the class is proceeding he decided to just sleep and wait for the bell to ring. The teachers didn't like his behavior so he was always being called to answer some difficult problems and he solved them without breaking a sweat.

He also aces most of the quizzes and exams that they give which made them unable to do anything to him but just give him some small scolding for his misbehavior.

Errol's action made him quite popular in the class, with the boys still thinking he was arrogant, but they admit he was cool, the same with girls, some even developed a crush on him. Errol never knows how to react to this as he never once think that he would be this popular in reality.

Although he was popular, there was still something that didn't change even now, and he tended to be alone.

He got no friends in his class mostly acquittance, if he had to describe his relationship with them, it will be just at the level of a normal classmate. They can greet and talk from time to time at school but has zero connection outside that room.

In his previous life, the reason he was alone is because of his lack of presence and lack of communication skills. In this life, he is standing out from the rest even if he didn't do anything, and everyone wants to be friends with him which made him feel overwhelmed and made him distance himself from them.

Popular or not he was still a loner, who got no friends in the class at least he got someone in the class that he thought he was friends with, or at least that is what he thought.

He barely get a green light from the teacher that he could sleep during class, and there is someone who surprisingly did not like his attitude.

"Hey, Belladona don't sleep during class" Uryu shake him, making Errol woke up again and give him a bored stare that Uryu didn't back down.

"Hey Uryu, can you please just let me sleep?" Errol asks lazily.

"No" Uryu answer while pushing his glasses, making it shine that Errol thought he was seeing an Illusion.

"Come on..." Errol groan.

The teacher didn't say anything to them as he likes Uryu's attitude while it was opposite to the other one.

Errol keep giving Uryu a stare until he saw something that put a smile on his face.


Errol backed down with a smile and Uryu was surprised that he listened to him. But after a few seconds the bell ring which signifies a lunch break.

"That's my cue, see you later Uryu I'm gonna, take my lunch" Errol patted Uryu on the shoulder before leaving the room.

Uryu was stunned and didn't understand what happened before tick marks appear on his head.


Errol heard Uryu's voice and smiled, one of the things that keeps him entertained in the school was messing with Uryu. The guy is just so stiff and fun to mess with.

The other thing that keeps him entertained was when he slept during class which by the way was not a normal sleep.

He used an Order to create a dream-like space where he could use all of his abilities including his New Order as much as he wants. It was similar to the mindscape where Shinigami meet their Zanpaktou spirit to know its name.

It was all a dream so he trained his abilities there without any care of the danger, always trying something new as he made that dream space to follow the logic of the real world and himself. So if he made an Order that consumed a lot, he would also feel the consumption.

He didn't just train there but also played there like some Minecraft games, as he still hasn't yet reached the level where he could train every day as if it was the only thing on his mind. The time when he trained with Yoruichi was only about a few couples of hours a day before he left to go home.

That dream space is under his control, inside there he is the god who could do everything whatever he wants. He also still has some connections to the real world even in that space, as it will be unfortunate if he suddenly died because of being careless.

He passed by many classrooms, and stopped for a moment in the room of the martial arts club, he peek a bit and saw Ichigo sparing with a girl name Tatsuki.

'I remember him not being part of any club in the anime, but did his mother's existence change some things? Not like it matters I barely even know the story of this world to change things to my desire'

Errol then left and began to go to his favorite spot which is the rooftop of the school, he was curious why many characters came here to waste time. He discovered that the place has a nice breeze, and a nice view and not much came here so it was silent. He ended up making it his usual spot.

After arriving at the rooftop, he jumped on the highest place and sat down while looking down at the school.

It was peaceful and he could help but remember when was the last time, he was like this not feeling pressured or something. But remembering his promise to himself, he started to sleep so he can enter the dream space to train his skills.

Inside his dream, it's like a wasteland with nothing much around just full of rocks and earth. He created a lot of monsters based on the games he played as he doesn't have much creativity and made them incredibly strong. Like a dragon, some ghouls, wyverns, giants, and more.

Errol stretches his body before putting a stance.

"Now then, let's dance.....

I felt cringed saying that"

He then rushed at the hordes of different monsters that each has the capability to fight Gillian single-handedly filled with different abilities.

A moment later Errol woke up feeling mentally exhausted, he stretched his body before standing up from his place. He jump down and began to return to his classroom when suddenly he felt a spiritual power close by.

"This familiar feeling...a hollow"

Errol look in that direction he felt the spiritual energy and it was quite close, maybe a few hundred meters only. He began to walk in that direction as although it was not his problem, he will feel guilty if someone died and he knows the cause.

'More importantly, the amount of hollow appearing here in Karakura town is surprisingly low at first but for some reason, the amount increases every year from what I could remember' Errol thought while his hands inside his jacket pocket.

When he was closed, he saw a hollow that looks like a frog with its tongue attacking a male teenage ghost. Errol knows it was a ghost due to the chain of fate on his chest, he was about to kill the hollow and get it over when suddenly he felt another familiar spiritual power.

He looks at the owner who was only a few dozen meters away, who was wearing the same uniform as him and glasses, it was Uryu.

Uryu didn't notice Errol as his years of training with Yoruichi have given him an incredible amount of control over his spiritual power that he could hide perfectly so that nobody will sense it if he decided.

Errol observe as Uryu began to combine his spiritual energy and the spiritual power in the surroundings to form a bow in his right hand, he pulled the string with his left hand and pointed the bow towards the hollow.

He let go and an arrow made up of condensed spiritual power was released faster than a bullet hitting the hollow right to its mask killing it in a single blow.

Errol meanwhile didn't do anything and just watched the process of him condensing a bow and arrow through his eyes that let him decode the secrets of a technique using an Order 'Copy' that he first used on Yoruichi.

Errol saw through the process of how Uryu made those bow and arrows and think that he could copy it as it was just controlling the spiritual power of his own spiritual power and the surroundings, combining the two to make a powerful attack.

Although he lacks the attributes of the Quincy to completely destroy the hollow, it's enough as he didn't have plans to become a Quincy with the incident of loss of powers that happens with Masaki and Kanae, which was still a mystery to him.

Although Errol manage to get the elemental sight of Tatsuya, it was weaker as he couldn't see the past 24 hours, but only the present so he could only see the state of the two after the incident happened and didn't find anything.

He was about to just return to his classroom when he stepped on a plastic on the ground that he didn't notice which made a sound.

Uryu thought that the fight has not yet ended as he could easily sense a normal human, so he thought it was a hollow that can hide its presence and subconsciously shoot toward the direction where the sound from.

He immediately regretted it as he saw Errol standing where his arrow was heading.

"Not Good! Belladona Duck!" Uryu shouted hoping he would follow, but the next thing Errol did was stun him.

He removed one of his hands from his jacket and caught the arrow barehanded like it was nothing.

Errol looks at the arrow closely to check If there is something he missed, or if there are other things that he didn't find.

He didn't find anything except for the special property of Quincy's spiritual power, and just throw it away and look at Uryu who was standing there completely stunned.

It took a few seconds for him to collect himself, before looking at Errol seriously.

"Just what are you, Belladona..."

Errol looks at him in silence as he returned his hands to his pocket and said.

"Who knows...maybe I am just build different"

Errol turn around and left Uryu standing there watching his back.



