Chapter 37

(Time Skip: 1 month and a half)

It's now the middle of May, and Errol's life can be described as completely normal, except for his visits to Urahara's shop and daily training in his dreams. However, his peaceful life may have finally come to an end when the gate known as Senkaimon opened, and a person stepped out. This person was a short, petite girl with light skin, purple eyes, and black hair, with several strands always hanging loose. It was Rukia Kuchiki, the Shinigami who gave Ichigo her power, which started the whole Bleach series. She looked around before deciding on a direction and left the place.

The next day, Errol arrived at school with Uryu. He was wearing the standard uniform of Karakura High School, but still wore his favorite jacket. They made some small talk before Uryu said something that stunned Errol.

"By the way, I sensed a new spiritual power around town last night. I was busy with something, so I forgot to analyze it. Do you know to whom it belongs?" Errol asked. It was true that he had been busy in the dream world, fighting a large number of Hollows he had created to train himself to fight against numbers.

"It comes from a Shinigami..." Uryu said in a cold tone.

Errol was stunned before remembering that he was now in high school and Ichigo was 15 years old. It was also the time when everything happened.

'Looks like the story of this world is about to start. Not that it matters for me to know. Ichigo can deal with it. I have my own things to focus on,' Errol thought.

They walked in silence, each pondering their own thoughts. They arrived in the classroom and Uryu went to his seat.

Errol also went to the back, as that was where his seat was, right next to Ichigo's. Suddenly, someone greeted him.

"Good morning, Errol-kun," said Mizuiro, a normal classmate of Errol's but a friend of Ichigo's group.

"Yahoo, Errol, morning," said Keigo Asano, another classmate of Errol's but part of Ichigo's group. Keigo tried to hug Errol, but he dodged and Keigo missed.

"Good morning," Errol greeted back with his usual stoic face, an act of trying to appear cool. It was just a habit of his from being a loner in his previous life and this one.

Errol found it hard to get along with Keigo's type. They usually tried to make friends with everyone, which made Errol feel like he was nothing more than another acquaintance. He also felt overwhelmed by Keigo's energy and his constant invitations to hang out.

Errol proceeded to his seat and sat down. A few tables away were Inoue and Tatsuki. They saw him sit down and greeted him.

"Good morning, Errol-kun," Inoue greeted him.

"Good morning," Tatsuki echoed.

Errol responded to them, "Good morning."

After that, he put on his earphones and waited for class to start. Inoue and Tatsuki looked at each other before shrugging. They were used to it.

Errol had long given up on trying to make friends or talk to the rest. He always found it hard to think of something to respond to others. Having Uryu was enough, although their friendship was due to his grandpa.

Ichigo arrived and chatted with his friends before the bell rang and class started. Errol took out a pillow from his bag, put it on the table, and went to sleep.

The teacher who had just entered the room saw him, sighed, and ignored him. The other students also didn't react much as they were already used to it.

Time moved forward, and it was now afternoon. Errol and Uryu walked home together as they lived in the same direction. They separated when Errol reached his house and greeted his grandpa before entering his room.

He did his homework for a couple of minutes before packing it up. After it was done, he looked at the time and it was now 7:30. He was preparing to go downstairs and eat dinner with his grandpa when suddenly, he felt a spike of spiritual power rising in some part of Karakura town. He thought for a moment before he used an Order with a thought.

[I can see the world with my mind: Mind's Eye]

Suddenly, Errol's field of vision changed from a normal view to a 360-degree view with no blind spot within a few meters around him. He could increase or decrease the range depending on the amount of spiritual energy he used.

He increased the range and began to see what was happening around his house: the maids working, his grandpa on the couch watching TV, and even the maids in the bathroom. He tried to ignore the last part before increasing the range again.

He started to see beyond his house to the houses around his neighborhood. He didn't stop until he finally saw the cause of the sudden spike of spiritual energy.

It was Ichigo holding a huge sword with a Hollow that was cut into two by him. Errol looked around and saw a petite girl looking at Ichigo in surprise. That would be Rukia.

He began to look around and saw Ichigo's sisters being hurt, but he didn't think much as there were healing Kidos. He saw Ichigo's father, Isshin, lying on the ground, but he didn't find Masaki around.

Errol then canceled his Mind's Eye and his vision returned to normal.

"I guess my quiet life is over...and...I can feel it in my gut...I will meet you soon, Izumi."

Later that night in the Kurosaki household, inside the bedroom of Isshin and Masaki, they were having a serious conversation.

"I just left for a few minutes to buy some groceries for our dinner, and I returned home to find our house broken into, our daughters hurt, and Ichigo is now a Shinigami. Do you have anything to say, Isshin?" Masaki said as she crossed her arms and looked down at her husband who was currently kneeling on the floor.

Isshin awkwardly tried to smile. "I have no excuse, Your Honor."

Masaki gave him a cold stare that made Isshin feel even more guilty before she sighed. "Losing my Quincy power really made my life hard. In the first place, didn't you already get your power back after I lost mine and the Hollow problem inside me was solved when Errol-kun helped me? Why didn't you help our children?"

Isshin's face turned serious. He thought for a moment before sighing. "Actually, I didn't get my power back a few years ago."

Masaki raised her eyebrows before looking at him worriedly. "Then what happened to your Shinigami powers? I never asked because I thought you already had them and had just given up on that life."

Isshin turned his face and looked at the wall as if he could see beyond it. "They were transferred to Ichigo.I don't know what happened, but my powers moved to him, as if to hold something inside him...a Hollow."

Masaki covered her mouth before Isshin comforted her. "Don't worry, Ichigo is stronger than you, me, and him think. He will be fine, and with his Shinigami powers unlocked, our worries should also be lessened."

Masaki calmed down before saying, "Should we talk to Ichigo about the truth about ourselves?"

Isshin shook his head. "Don't. If he tells us about him being a Shinigami, then let's do it. But if not, don't tell him. Kids his age usually like to keep secrets, so let's keep our own secret until we surprise them, hehehe."

Masaki looked at his childish attitude before she asked, "Then what about the fact that our children got hurt, including you?"

" should I say this...the Hollow attack was a surprise, and I was knocked down before I knew it. Then there was a Shinigami around, so I thought everything would be alright. And my gut told me that Ichigo could handle it, hahahah...and as a man of the Shiba clan, we don't back down from a fight," Isshin tried to find an explanation. He actually just wanted his children to handle it and grow.

Masaki looked at him gently before saying, "You're sleeping on the couch."

"...yes ma'am."

(AN: If you guys are wondering why Isshin's power is in Ichigo, it's because I once read a theory that Isshin didn't have his power until during the final fight between Ichigo and Byakuya. It was when the Hollow inside Ichigo broke free from Isshin's powers that were sealing it inside Ichigo, that his power returned.)