Chapter 42

Errol continued to sense new hollows appearing all around town, and some were disappearing after being eliminated by someone he knew.

"Uryu, what have you done?" Errol said in a very angry tone. Uryu might be his closest friend, but that didn't mean he would let this pass. After all, his grandfather might also be in danger.

He immediately stood up and ran out the door.

"Eh, Errol-san!?" Rukia, who was still clueless about what was happening, saw him disappear from his seat. Her phone sounded, and she immediately checked it, finding many dots appearing, which signified a large number of hollows in town.

She also immediately went outside and saw some dark clouds in the sky.

"What is going on?"

Errol, who had already left, used an Order with a thought.

[Give me the ability to sense the direction of the things I search]

Errol immediately thought of his grandfather, and he was able to sense his location. He then began to run in that direction at hyper speed, as he also sensed some hollows near his grandfather.

A few minutes ago, Orlando had just finished a meeting with some business partners and was now on his way home. When suddenly, he saw monsters with masks and holes in their chests all around.

Orlando never remembered when he got this ability, but ever since Errol was born, he began to be able to see souls. After a decade, he learned how to just ignore them. He also knew that Errol could see ghosts like him, but since Errol never mentioned it, he decided to respect his privacy.

Orlando would never have thought that Errol was the one who caused this. Due to Errol's use of the Order to absorb the spiritual energy around the world, those close to him were affected and their spirits became stronger. Not by much, but due to long exposure, they were now able to see souls. Yes, the maids around Errol's house could also see spirits.

It's just that they never mentioned it, and they didn't really know how to make money with exorcisms, and lastly, they were scared of ghosts.

Back to the current situation, Orlando just saw the hollows and caught their attention. A spider-like hollow rushed in front of a driving car where Orlando was sitting, and the driver couldn't see the hollow, so he continued driving straight.

"Hurry, move to the side!" Orlando said urgently.

"Eh?" The driver reacted slowly to the order, so Orlando moved his body forward and steered the wheel to the right just in time to dodge the hollow, before the driver suddenly hit the brakes.

"What are you doing, sir!?" The driver asked.

"Don't ask, just drive immediately!" Orlando didn't explain and instructed him to drive. He looked back and saw the hollow turning around. "Hurry!"

The driver didn't understand what was happening but subconsciously followed Orlando's instructions and accelerated. The hollow jumped at them, but the car moved away just in time as the hollow crashed down, creating an impact.

"What was that!?" The driver asked in a frightened tone. Before he could react further, the hollow jumped again, nearly reaching the back of the car.

"Don't ask, just drive faster, you dork!" Orlando said angrily, frustrated by the driver's constant questioning.

Orlando looked back only to see the hollow running after them, slowly catching up. He moved his feet away and grabbed something from under the seat.

It was a briefcase, containing...guns and grenades?

"It's been ages since I touched a gun."

Orlando picked up an Mk-45 and moved to the window, keeping an eye on the hollow.

"What did that movie say again?...ah right!" Orlando pointed the gun at the hollow and said, "Hasta la vista, baby."


"Aaahhh!" The driver screamed in confusion and fear, but he still managed to drive as steadily as he could.

Bullets kept flying from the gun, hitting the hollow directly. They didn't cause much damage, but they did manage to disorient the hollow a bit. As they made a turn in the road due to a wall blocking the way, the hollow ended up crashing into it, destroying the wall in the process.

It immediately got up and resumed the chase. Orlando changed the cartridge of the gun before firing again.

"That thing is tough, guess I could only use this," Orlando said, looking at the couple of grenades in his hands. He took one and removed the pin, waiting a few seconds before throwing it right at the feet of the hollow.


It exploded the moment it reached the hollow, destroying four of its legs in the process and bringing it down.

"Stop!" Orlando instructed the driver.

The driver complied, still clueless about what was happening. Orlando opened the door and walked out. He looked at the spider-like hollow that had slowed down due to losing half of its legs.

He threw another grenade at its remaining legs, destroying them and immobilizing the hollow.

"Honestly, I could just continue to ride in the car and leave you alone since you're no longer able to catch us, but unfortunately for you..." Orlando said as he approached the hollow, pointing a shotgun at its forehead.

"I don't stop when it's enough, I stop when it's done," He fired the gun, destroying its mask.

The hollow began to disappear under Orlando's watchful eyes. "I guess I can now be called a monster slayer, hehehe."


Orlando immediately turned around and saw three more hollows surrounding him.

"Ah, shoot, guess this is my end. Why did I have to get out of the car just to act cool?" Orlando lamented, readying himself with three grenades in his hands. "Guess I'll just die with a bang, hahaha."

He was ready to pull the pins when suddenly something crashed from the sky right on top of one of the hollows.

Orlando's eyes widened as he looked at the person on top of the disappearing hollow.


"Sorry I'm late, but it looks like you've been enjoying yourself quite a bit, Grandpa," Errol smiled at his shocked grandfather.