Chapter 49

In a part of Karakura town, two figures appeared on the rooftop of a residential building, stepping out of a door that stood unsupported in mid-air. One was a man with red hair dressed in the standard uniform of a Shinigami, and the other, a long-haired man in the same uniform but with the addition of a white haori. They surveyed their surroundings before the red-haired man checked a device to track their target, and then they moved in the direction the device indicated.

Meanwhile, Rukia, having left Ichigo's house, was now running in the opposite direction of Ichigo's residence. Uryu, who was shopping at a local market, sensed a new spiritual power in town and hesitated for a moment before deciding to investigate.

Ichigo, having just discovered Rukia's departure, quickly took out Kon from his doll body, released his soul as a Shinigami, and jumped out of his window. His parents, Isshin and Masaki, noticed his actions and Rukia's departure. They had been aware of Rukia since day one but hadn't said anything, believing their son was finally growing up, as Isshin put it before his wife smacked him on the head with a spatula.

Back in his room, Errol was contemplating whether he should intervene. 'This should be the time when that arc started, where they tried to save Rukia from execution, using a flaming bird with the power of a million Zanpakutos, only to be blocked by Ichigo effortlessly. Honestly, this arc is full of exaggeration. Or did I miss something?'

Errol looked out his window in the direction where most of the spiritual powers of Rukia, the Shinigami, Uryu, and Ichigo were converging. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to intervene, not caring much about the canon of the anime and how his intervention might affect the storyline.

Upon arriving at the scene, Errol found Rukia bound by a Bakudo, including her mouth. Ichigo was severely injured, lying on the ground while glaring at the man responsible, the one in the white haori, also known as Kuchiki Byakuya. Uryu was also injured, on his knees with a sword in his stomach, the hilt being held by Byakuya.

Errol immediately used a phantom step and appeared beside Byakuya, who didn't have time to react before Errol slapped him across the face, sending him crashing into a few trees.

Errol then turned his attention to Uryu's injury. "Hey! You okay!?" he asked.

"I'm...fine.." Uryu weakly responded, clearly having difficulty breathing.

"You don't look fine to me," Errol said, looking at him with concern before promptly removing the sword and throwing it away like trash.

"cough you... idiot...why did you remove it..." Uryu weakly complained, now losing a significant amount of blood.

"Yes, yes, relax. I know what I'm doing," Errol nonchalantly replied.

Uryu glared at him as Errol placed his hands on him and used an Order to heal him. The Order took immediate effect as Uryu's wounds began to heal rapidly.

Just as Errol sighed in relief, he noticed something and used his left hand to catch Byakuya's sword, which was aimed at him. Byakuya was taken aback by how his sword was caught barehanded.

Byakuya flash-stepped backwards, creating some distance between him and Errol, who let go of his sword.

Byakuya stared at Errol calmly, although internally he was considering removing the seal placed on him whenever someone of his caliber was sent to the human world. He felt he stood no chance against Errol without removing the seal.

Byakuya stared at Errol before asking, "Are you also here to stop us from retrieving Rukia?"

Errol looked at him with a blank expression. "No."

Byakuya, who had expected a different answer, asked, "Then why?"

"You're really asking that after you injured and almost killed my friends?" Errol asked, his voice calm, but his anger was evident.

"I see..." Byakuya said before holding his Zanpakuto in front of him. "Scatter, Senbonzakura."

The blade of his sword began to disperse into tiny blades that resembled falling sakura petals. Byakuya pointed the hilt of his Zanpakuto at Errol, directing thousands of sakura blades towards him.

Errol pointed his finger forward and with a thought used an Order.

[Within 100 meters around me, attract everything that looks like a sakura to the tip of my fingers]

Suddenly, a strong suction force was created at the tip of Errol's finger, drawing in all of the Senbonzakura, including some leaves around.

After a few moments, all the Senbonzakura was now floating at the tip of Errol's finger like a ball of sakura. Byakuya was taken aback by how easily his Zanpakuto was neutralized.

Errol pointed his finger at him and like a bullet, fired the ball of Senbonzakura at him at high speed. Byakuya managed to scatter it before it hit him, but the force of the shot caused him to step back.

He looked at Errol seriously now and began to gather the Senbonzakura back, positioning his sword with its point towards the ground, preparing to use his Bankai. However, Rukia managed to remove the binding on her mouth.

"Brother! Please stop! I'll follow you back to the Soul Society!" She said firmly, believing that if he used his Bankai, Errol would stand no chance against him.