
Vrom! Vrom!

The sound of car exhausts echoed loudly outside the building, louder than Amanda's Lamborghini exhaust. The people the car passed probably had the urge to slap the driver.

Arthur saw a modified old BMW enter the courtyard of the building, stopping right beside the Lamborghini.

Each of the doors opened, getting out of the driver's seat was a man in gold necklaces, wearing sunglasses. Arthur recognized him immediately the moment he saw him. He is Henry. Arthur didn't know how he suddenly got here.

As for the one who got off the passenger seat, was a bald man and had a tattoo on his head. He had a large body and wrists like the ankles of most people.

Due to his presence, the two security guards looked scared and doubtful.

Luckily, Amanda immediately stood up, took a step out of the building.

The presence of Arthur behind her surprised Henry quite a bit because last night they had a brief conversation.