Fall Before Action

Actually, Arthur walked here because he wanted to leave the ship and ordered Erick to help carry his tigers. Nothing else interested him in this place. The lions were clearly not for sale and he had already seen the so-called European masterpieces. It's time to return to Vera City.

Only, the short man happened to say something about his tigers. He, as a person who sometimes answers other people's questions gives answers to him. This is the kindness of a senior to a junior.

Meanwhile, Erick answered Jade's question, "just an arrogant brat, he looked down on everyone just for having the trick of taming tigers."

"He can tame tigers?" Simon was surprised to hear Erick's words. He did say that he might be able to help tame the tigers, but of course, that was just something he said perfunctorily out of confidence in his strength.

However, taming a tiger wasn't a concept he was familiar with.

He couldn't help but stare at Arthur with an interested expression.