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"How much do all these branches cost?" Amanda asked William.

The latter, even though he had guessed that Amanda would pay, still had a hard time reacting.

"Yeah, ehh, 185K," he replied in a somewhat confused tone.

"That really is a hundred branches, right? Nothing missing?" Amanda took out her cell phone and asked while looking at the wooden chest again to confirm.

"Don't worry Mrs. Amanda, I've counted it three times, nothing is missing," William replied.

"Okay, let's finish the transaction, state your account number," said Amanda.

William didn't answer right away, he picked up his cell phone which was on the table, looking like he left it before.

After the transaction was completed, he said, "I'll help send this chest, but where will it be sent?"

He looked at Amanda and then at Arthur, seeming unsure who he should ask.

And suddenly, Amanda said, "dear, how about having it delivered to my mansion? You can work more easily there."