Meet Anna Again

On the way, Arthur saw Luke's BMW in front of a cake shop which was quite busy.

The man seemed to be driving quite fast as even at the speed of Amanda's Lamborghini, it was unable to catch up to him.

"Btw, what exactly did that girl give you?" Amanda suddenly asked as she looked at the BMW.

"You even noticed that…" Arthur glanced at her strangely.

Then, he took out the envelope and opened it under Amanda's gaze.

It contained a simple invitation paper, containing Isla's name and age as well as her residential address.

"So today is her birthday, quite interesting," said Amanda.

But after saying that, her expression changed.

"Why did she invite you?" she then asked.

"I dunno..." Arthur shrugged as he looked at the invitation more closely.

He narrowed his eyes slightly as he thought.

"Is there something?" Amanda asked.

"You know, if that woman approached Luke with some purpose, then it must be revenge," Arthur replied.