Rich Family Drama

Actually, besides being surprised, Amanda and Sophia were also stunned by Arthur's blunt words, talking about how they would do all sorts of naughty things.

Although he spoke the truth, such things should be disguised a bit. It might not be a problem for Amanda because of their relationship, but Sophia, after all, is Amanda's mother.

No matter what, everyone always imagines what they have heard. When Sophia heard about doing naughty things with Arthur, whom she considered her daughter's boyfriend, the imagination of it could not help but cross her mind, something that made her skin turn red.

That's why the two women were stunned longer than they should have been. The truth is, being a target of criminals is not surprising to them because they have lived as wealthy people for years, and experiences like that have happened to them several times.

Five minutes, six minutes. Sophia suddenly stood up and slammed the table hard.

"It must be that whore's doing," she yelled.