Rose's Plans

Arthur moved back a little, removing his penis from Nova's vagina.

Two different fluids flowed out, wetting the mattress.

When she felt that, Nova quickly turned around. Her face quickly turned red as she looked at her pussy now. It is like a pipe that releases water from its hole.

She who at first had no strength to move suddenly became mobile as she grabbed a tissue on the nightstand.

Hastily, she wiped her pussy.

After being sure that it was clean, only then did she look at Arthur.

Now that her mind was at ease, being naked together like this made her feel uncomfortable and indescribable at the same time.

'I had sex... I had sex...' She kept repeating the words in her head.

Meanwhile, Arthur said, "well, it looks like you're exhausted, then let's just go to the library tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is Sunday!"

Nova was a little surprised to hear him say that so her mouth opened but closed again as she wasn't sure what to say.