See Alex Again

When she reached Arthur's side, the woman took his hand. With a bright smile, she said, "You certainly can't see me going far or marrying another man, can you?"

She spoke clearly so that the students they happened to pass by heard including Carla who was following behind.

Arthur glanced at her and replied, "perhaps if that prince gives me something I like, I wouldn't mind sending you to him as a gift."

"You?" Bella's eyes opened wide, she even pinched Arthur's hand while her breathing became rapid.

"What nonsense are you saying?" She said in a louder voice.

Arthur certainly wasn't that mean, but he thought this woman needed to take a bit of a mental hit so she wouldn't be so narcissistic in front of him.

He chose not to respond and shook his hand lightly to get her to release his hand.

"Hmph, just tell the truth, how could a selfish man like you accept such a thing," she said.
