To the Crunch Again

At 7:30 PM, the exam finally started with math.

Several teachers were supervisors, standing in various corners making it impossible to cheat.

When the students saw the paper containing the exam questions, they felt like crying.

"I give up," Harry said, dropping his head on the desk.

Arthur was still calm, but he thought there was little he could answer.

Living in another world didn't make him good at math, after all, he'd never studied math there.

He began to answer each question slowly, thinking carefully.

The time given was only two hours.

Arthur had only managed to complete half of the questions by the time the time was up.

However, this is not unusual, many others are like that. Answering carelessly will only make your score drop further.

The teachers who were also the invigilators quickly took each student's paper.

After that, they were allowed to go home immediately.